This weekend was May Day, so a long bank holiday weekend for us. I had such a lovely weekend. On Friday night, I went back to the Turkish restaurant with some friends, don't think I live there! The staff were even VERY friendly, raising suspicions that I had been there more than the twice I really have! I would if my body could do it without putting on pounds as a result, believe me!!!!!
I managed the gym three times over the weekend as well, and Rob has fully joined now, so there is a small (elite) crowd of us now!!
We had untypically fantastic weather over this weekend. In the UK, you-over-the-pond-people, a bank holiday normally means torrential rain, but not this weekend. It was beautiful, in the 20s and sunny. I even had my bikini on yesterday in the garden, oh, yeah!!!! And yesterday afternoon, we had a bbq in our garden with some neighbours until late, which was the first one this year. Let's hope the weather stays for a few months!!!!
On the Juliet front, I have had another small disaster. I have decided this project has been sent to try me. I tried it on on Friday, to gauge the length, and decided another couple of pattern repeats was all that I needed to do. I don't want it too long or it will make me look mumsie. I did the repeats over the weekend, and luckily didn't cast off-because when I tried it on last night, just to double check, it's 2 repeats too bloody long now. GGGGGGGRRRRRRR. So I am undoing 12 rows. 5 done so far. Hopefully FO pics tomorrow.
I am in my bikini again today doing the EU mountain of ironing I have, in the garden, so I can catch some rays at the same time. Then ironing isn't such a waste of time as it seems when you're doing it.
Have a good day!!!
Ooh I like how you do your chores! LOL
Good to hear from you! :o)
Love hammocks, we put ours up too!
Glad you had some nice bank holiday weather, long may it last. I remember all too well the wet and dreary ones when i was growing up. Sorry to hear about Juliet, hopefully you'll get it fixed soon. Can't wait to see pics.
What a lovely weekend in the UK... wish I was there.
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