First of all, thank you to all who entered my competition. Your answers were really interesting and amusing, more of that later...
I decided to draw the winner and 2 runners up using this
site where you put in all names and it picks one for you. Here they are put in...

So, without further ado, IN THIRD PLACE,


AND THE WINNER IS...(drumroll)

Sussex Yorkie,
Hawkesley and
dreamcatcherNow, I decided not to show the prizes here as I want them to be a surprise for the winners. So you'll have to check their blogs to see what they won! But you know me, it will definitely contain yarn and chocolate and some other goodies as well!
Back to the competition answers, it was really interesting to read everyone's preferences, and there were some that stuck out as knitterly faves.
Fave yarnWell, there were clear favourites, Koigu KPPM, Bebbie Bliss and Malabrigo. There were loads that I have never heard of, so I shall be on the lookout for them!
Fave foodFour clear faves here: chocolate (no shock there!), Mexican, Italian and cheese. We're a discerning bunch you know!
Fave time of dayThis was interesting. It seems that knitters like early morning or late night. And the summer is the fave season. I'll have any of those times. I think it means that knitters would rather be knitting than sleeping. Am I wrong??
Fave MusicThis was hard to collate. I think only Norah Jones, Josh Groban and Foos were mentioned more than once, but there were soooo many different faves to choose from. Loads of them I have never heard of but I have been looking them up on You Tube and wow!!!! Some of them I knew but forgot I knew so it's been nice revisiting them.
Thank you all so much for your comments and some new things to try. I will draw the line at chocolate and creamy mashed potato in the same bowl though! (Only because it's Lent!!!!!!) nah, just kidding!!
Back soon with knitterly news. Winners, email me with your addresses and check the mail!!!