Last night, when I was cooking dinner, I cut up a leek and it SO reminded me of the FO. Have a look.
Now, here is the FO
They look like each other, dontcha think?
Yes, it's a Fetching. My notsosecretanymore pal sent me the pattern in one of my packages (thank you Tsuki) and I love it. Just in case you were thinking that I had only knitted one and then got sgs, check these out.....
Oh yes, I knitted 2!! It is such a quick knit, probably about 2 hours knitting in total. I knitted them in 3.5mm rather than 4mm, because my hands and wrists seem to have benefitted more than the rest of my body from weight loss. Typical. They were probably the only bit of me that didn't need to lose weight. But there you go.
AND I knitted them from my stash. Yes, you read that right. FROM MY STASH!!!!!
And, I have worn them non stop since I finished them. To the cinema last night to see Cloverfield (rubbish), to the gym this morning, tell you about that in a min, and then to shopping in Milton Keynes this afternoon. I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THEM!!!!!!!!!
Oh, yes, I have started running. I explained my difficulty and worry about running (black eyes etc) to the lovely instructor at the gym and he was very kind to me. He set me a training programme and then I WAS RUNNING!!!! I did notice that he surreptitiously attached the emergency stop clip to my vest as I set off.............
So that's my weekend. Tonight I shall be watching/trying desperately to keep up with Lost whilst knitting another pair of Fetchings!!!! I am addicted!
I love the way those photos worked out! They do match each other. Lovely.
Georgeous Fetchings!!! Good colour too to knit them in. Black is much harder!
I love the pink squares and can't wait to see what you do with them :)
Your fetchings are fab!
Fabby fetchings! I am lost ... we don't have sky :(
Oooooo!! I love the color!!
Ooh you so could have done a Fiberlicious photo with the leeks and mitts!
Go you for joining the Fetching tribe!! :o)
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