We seem to have had our summer, back in April. Since then, it's done nothing but rain, rain and rain here. Alot of people are flooded and temporarily homeless and it doesn't look like it'll get any better. The Meditteranean is having a heatwave and that is where I'm heading soon. I could do with some sun on my face and some flip flops on instead of wellies!
We had some strawberries from a local farm, but it just isn't the same eating them while it's raining outside. So we thought we'd dip them in chocolate. Works well, we thought. A rainy twist on an English Summer dessert! Makes the wet weather a bit more bearable at least!
I hope you're having more of a summer than we are, and those of you who are in Winter, I bet it's warmer where you are than here!!!
oooooh! Yum Yum Yum! Thse strawberries look fantastic! I have some in my fridge and some choccie in the cupboard so you know what that means I'll be doing later!
Great banner too!
Those look yummy!
Someone just had on their blog strawberries with whip cream AND brown sugar....Yum! I never had it that way before.
We are actually having a relief from our 90s hot summers here and it has been cool in the low 80s! YAH! But rain is coming this weekend here too! :op
Enjoy your upcoming getaway!
They look so yummy. My great aunt swears by freshly ground black pepper on strawberries with a little caster sugar.................
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